Jesus Zamarron

Artist Studio
Artist Jesus Zamarron
Jesus Zamarrón is a graphic artist whose work has been presented in different media: web, television, video, print, as well as art galleries. He has exhibited his work both in Spain, the United States and Northern Europe. He was invited to participate in the annual contest at the prestigious “New Langton Arts” gallery in 1995, after he had just arrived to San Francisco. His early work had been featured in several collective shows at Facultad de Bellas Artes of Madrid (Painting and Audiovisual Media), where he graduated in 1994. He has worked with Madrid’s Galería Gaudí on shows for international festivals. He was invited by the Spanish Consulate of San Francisco to represent Spain with his paintings at the emblematic Palace of Fine Arts. He has shown his art in group shows at the prestigious 111 Minna Gallery and Roll Up Gallery. He has participated in many Open Studios organized by SF ARTS SPAN, having a sold out show at Fort Mason Center, in 2010. He has curated art group shows in his own studio gallery: ARTS ON 9TH, and has gather quite a big roster of international artists through the years. In 2011 he curated “120 Anniversary Art Show” with 20 artists using different media, which was a big success in public and sales.
Currently, he alternates his work as an art educator at Holy Name of Jesus school with his professional activity as an artist. Day by day, he continues with his studies in art, he recently graduated with an MA, Masters of Art Education fo Academy of Art University. He has also studied multimedia and art in California, at the universities of San Francisco State and Berkeley, respectively.
"In my paintings I enjoy expressing spontaneity and randomness with color, this gives them a type of freedom and ease that contrasts the deeper voices of the subject matter, the story behind. So at the end my art is about life itself. A struggle between the jing and the jang, the laughter and the seriousness of being alive. I feel like I am a citizen of the world, like many spaniards now have to leave the country in look for a better life, and many people in these world have to do the same. My art is represented in aggressive and raw intense colors that I take from my native land, and the light of both countries where I have been fortunate to live, the Californian and Andalusian SUN. The red colors, the yellows and ocres of the Spanish landscape and spirit, just like the collective historical psyche of the Iberian population holds true to the “tragic sense of life”. I believe my art to be universal, and nomadic, as I feel like a gypsy painter at times. I am a california painter now, but me and my art are evolving and changing daily."